New to Church?
Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we hope our website helps you to find out everything you want to know about our Church. Histon Baptist Church consists of people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Whoever you are, you are assured a very warm welcome at HBC.
Some key information about the church...
Histon Baptist Church, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9LQ (near the Histon War Memorial).
Our Sunday service is normally at 10.30am but very occasionally it is at other times therefore please check the "Church Calendar" on this website (under Resources) or
click here.
If it's your first visit then it's probably best to turn up 10 minutes early. If you are driving then you'll be pleased to hear that there is plenty of free parking. For directions to reach us please see the
Contact Us page. You'll be greeted on the door by our welcoming team who will give you some information about the church and notices of forthcoming events.
We start our service at 10.30am with a time of worship and child-friendly activities (usually a talk, an activity or a drama). Then notices keeping us informed of what is happening before we take up our offering. If you do not wish to put anything in the collection bag just let it pass you by. Our music consists of a mixture of modern songs (with guitars, keyboards and drums) and hymns. Everyone participates in the worship but at around 11am the children and youth go to their own groups with a crèche for the little ones. We then have further songs, prayers, bible reading and a talk that is relevant and meaningful to our modern lives.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service where there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions.
We have a fantastic programme for the children in Creche and Motivators and for our youth in Explorers. Children stay with their parents at the start of the service as we worship together. Someone will announce when the children and youth need to go to their programme.
For more information about what happens in the children's work please visit the relevant age groups for you under church life.
No! Please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes.
Not at all!
You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.
Our premises are wheelchair accessible. There is a fully wheelchair accessible toilet.
We have a loop system for hearing aid users in the main church.
Please feel free to contact us.