Children 0-11
Have you got children that you would like to bring to church? We run a specific programme on Sunday mornings just for children! We also offer other activities during the week.
Our aim is to make sure every child can be themselves in a safe and welcoming environment. Our leaders are DBS checked and comply with our Safe-to-Grow policy.
We want the children to have great fun whilst learning more about Jesus and meeting with Him.
If you have any questions about the programmes we offer, please fill in our Contact Us form.
Sunday Activities
Crèche (0-3 year olds)
There is a crèche facility during the Service on Sunday mornings. Children under the age of three, with parents or without, are welcome for age-appropriate activities.
Motivators (3-11 year olds)
Motivators meet on Sunday mornings during the second half of the service, usually from 11.00 – 11.45.
Our leaders and helpers all want to encourage, or motivate, us to become more like Jesus. We don’t have to sit still and be quiet all the time and we don’t have our parents with us. We do lots of fun things like having stories, sometimes with story sacks or puppets. We usually play some games or act out the stories and have quizzes. There is often a craft activity which can sometimes be messy. And please don’t forget the snack time!
The children and their families also meet up at other times. Over the year we usually have a New Year’s party, a Summer picnic, a trip to Wicksteed Park and other fun outings.
Other Weekly Activities
Ark Drop-in (0-3 year olds)

The Ark at HBC is on Facebook. Click here.
Pop in to the The Ark at Histon Baptist Church.
It meets every Thursday morning during school terms, from 9.15am to 11.30am.
The group is for babies and pre-school aged children and their mums, dads and carers.
There are lots of appropriate activities and a space to relax and make friends.
Crafts, toys, painting, indoor & outdoor play and singing. Endless tea, coffee and cakes!
Other Activities
Holiday Club

The Histon and Impington Council of Churches Holiday Club runs for a week at the start of the school summer holidays and is held at Histon Baptist Church.
It is usually held from 9.45am to 12.30pm and is for all children at Infant or Junior School.