Eco Group at HBC

HBC and its Wild Garden
Bird Box at HBC
Eco Group Update
Summer: In the summer we were rewarded with a stunning riot of colour from our wildflower border.
Early Autumn: We replenished the wildlife refuge, shifted the pollinator bed to facilitate mowing access, and planted bulbs in the left hand lawn at the front of the church hall.
Harvest Service: As a group we contributed to the Harvest service on Climate Care and organised the bring & share meal afterwards, encouraging people to bring vegetarian dishes or to source their contribution locally.
October: Some members of the Green Group met with an officer from the Wildlife Trust BCN (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northampshire counties) who suggested a range of mowing regimes to provide a variety of habitats for wildlife.
In October we were informed by Eco-church that we had attained the criteria for achieving the bronze level. Hurrah!

Bed at HBC

Wild Flowers at HBC
Earlier in the year: Created an area for wildlife flowers in front of the church carpark, a deadwood hedge to give sanctuary to hedgehogs, a bug hotel and placed bird boxes in the birch trees. In March 2022 HBC sponsored and planted one of the community trees near the Holiday Inn.

Planting Community tree

Deadewood hedge at HBC

Bug Hotel at HBC
Christian Vision for Creation
Why should Christians care for Creation? Because it is rooted in scripture. -
Click here for more details.
HBC has joined numerous other churches committed to demonstrating that the Gospel is good news for God's earth. We seek to follow a loving God who made the world, and who entrusts it to the care of us. We recognise that climate change is damaging fragile eco-systems worldwide, yet it is the poor who have contributed least to the climate crisis, who are disproportionately affected.
Again, we want to reflect God's heart for justice and his care for the poor, in creation care. By taking simple steps we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint:
- reducing what we buy
- re-using as much as possible
- recycling
The HBC Eco Group spearheads our commitment to incorporate these concerns into all areas of our church life;
- our buildings & land
- our worship and teaching
- engagement with local community
- global campaigns
- personal lifestyles.
Eco-church provides pointers and resources to encourage improvement, and gives awards when certain attainment levels have been achieved and thus helps to sustain impetus for change.