Pastoral Care

The aim is to give pastoral care and support to the entire fellowship, both members and non-members. The pastoral care of Histon Baptist Church functions through the "Pastoral Care Team" (approx. 10 persons) supported by "Church Friends" (approx. 40 persons) who are all overseen by the Pastoral Care Co-Ordinators (typically 2-3 persons).
Everyone who attends church regularly will have an assigned Church Friend. Please ask if you have forgotten who your Friend is! Church Friends are church members who ensure people feel that they belong and are cared for by occasional (at least monthly) contact. They encourage those in their care to participate in the life and witness of the Church and provide appropriate support at times of particular need.
Causes for concern for any member or regular attendee may be dealt with by the individual Friend. If this proves difficult it is passed to the Pastoral Care Team and, if necessary, on to the Co-ordinators or the Pastor.
The role of the Pastoral Care Committee is to ensure that the Church Friends are supported and encouraged and to keep the Pastor informed of specific needs.
All information received by the Church Friends and the Pastoral Care Committee will be treated in strictest confidence and with appropriate sensitivity.
A great deal of pastoral care goes on outside this more formal structure and we believe that we are a church where everyone who comes is made to feel valued.