Local Connections
HBC has connections with many local charities and organisations including:
John Hardwick
Connections Bus Project
Choir 2000
Hope into Action
Cambridge Street Pastors
Eastern Baptist Association
Baptists Together
John, who is a member of Histon Baptist Church is creative christian communicator whose aim is to present the Christian faith in an exciting and relevant way! He is a juggler, singer,song writer, exciting interactive story teller, puppeteer and more.
John leads primary school assemblies, family praise parties/concerts, training sessions, RE days in primary schools, all-age celebrations, and holiday clubs.
For more details , please see his website.
You can also see a selection of his videos on YouTube

The Connections Bus Project, with its office at Histon Baptist Church is a charity providing youth work services across Cambridgeshire. They do this through the deployment of 2 bespoke double-decker busses with teams of fully trained youth works. The buses go to a number of villages in the area and each has has a wide selection of resources including internet linked PCs, games consoles, video/DVD, karaoke, sports equipment, craft activities, quizzes, discussion topics and a tuck shop. Young people can also take away leaflets on many issues that affect them such as bullying, drug and alcohol awareness, smoking, eating disorders, homelessness and health.
See their website for more details.
GenR8 has its office at Histon Baptist Church and gives primary school age children the opportunity to hear about and learn from the Christian faith. At the core of GenR8’s work are termly assembly presentations to children in over 150 schools.
Further details can be found on their
Choir 2000 meets at Histon Baptist Church on Wednesday each week from 7.30-9.45pm.
The Choir promotes three concerts each year (December, March and June) which are performed at Histon Baptist Church. They also take their June performance to the West Road Concert Hall in Cambridge in order to reach a wider audience and to provide their members with the experience of performing in a professional concert venue.
For further details see their
website or contact them using their
contact form.

Hope into Action is a registered charity whose unique purpose is to enable churches to house the homeless. The charity began in summer 2010 and there are now centres throughout the UK, including Cambridge.
Click here to go to "Hope into Action Cambridge".
They provide shelter, housing know-how and friendship. Together with local churches they provide direct support to people whom others have often given up on. Homes are available for a wide range of "homeless", those in recovery from addiction, people sleeping rough, women and children fleeing domestic violence, people coming out of rehab, former prostitutes, refugees, those suffering mental health issues and survivors of human trafficking.
Discover about "
Hope into Action UK"

Drawn from local churches, Street Pastor volunteers patrol Cambridge from 10pm to 4am each Friday and Saturday night to help anybody in difficulty. Their sister project NightLite also provides a safe place in the town for people to wait, recover, find a listening ear or just chill out.
For more information
click here.
Based in Cambridge and run by Ian Sanderson who used to live in Histon and was a member of HBC. Afrinspire supports indigenous development initiatives across East Africa. Working closely with community leaders, they understand the development needs of communities and tailor their support to meet these.
Please refer to their
website for more details.
HBC is part of the Eastern Baptist Association which is a family of Baptist Churches situated throughout Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridge. The regional association has a team of regional ministers and administration staff that support the local church pastorally, advise on mission and practical matters, and organise beneficial training events and every church contributes in their own unique way by taking part in enriching relationships, developing ministry and enabling fruitful mission in its own area.
Their website provides further information.
A union of over 2000 churches with its heaquarters in Didcot, Oxfordshire, providing help and support to churches through a team of regional associations. Six Baptist Colleges prepare men and women for ministry and offer ongoing development and training.
See their
website for more details.