
Leading Sunday Worship
Music is a key element of our time spent worshipping together at HBC. Through melody and words we are brought closer not only to God but also to each other. On a Sunday morning the sung worship is supported by a group of musicians and singers. We enjoy music from a number of traditions, including traditional hymns, modern worship songs and Taizé worship.
A number of those involved in leading worship at HBC attend Big Church Festival, where they enjoy the opportunity to hear performances by the best Christian song writers of this generation including Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes, Pat Barrett, Rend Collective and Chris Tomlin, whose music we enjoy singing on a normal Sunday too!
We also have a community-style singing group, the HBC Singers, which is open to all ages – it is not necessary to read music to be part of the group.
If you would like to know more about the HBC Singers, or singing and playing as part of the regular worship, we would be delighted to hear from you. Click here to email the music team.
Heather & Iain Kilpatrick
Music Directors
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